by Shulagh Jacobs | Nov 29, 2021 | Uncategorized
Many single people who start Salsa lessons assume that it’s all so much easier if you have a partner. A real life dance partner who you can call upon to practice with any time of day or night – at 8am in the morning when the kettle is boiling, or after one too...
by Shulagh Jacobs | Jul 21, 2020 | Uncategorized
Nothing happens without inspiration. In fact it’s defined as a feeling of enthusiasm or excitement, or someone/something that gives you ideas for doing something, or motivates you to do something. So when we hear that inspirational speech, read that inspirational...
by Shulagh Jacobs | Jan 31, 2018 | Uncategorized
How do you know how good you are… I mean not just guessing… How do you really KNOW? Let’s face it, Salsa isn’t like learning Ballet or Ballroom where you have exams, medals, boxes to be ticked. And if it was, how do you measure and assess things...
by Shulagh Jacobs | Apr 24, 2017 | Uncategorized
Wouldn’t it be great if you could buy confidence… From the supermarket or mail order from Amazon. This Salsa thing would be so much easier. You wouldn’t be scared of messing up. Of making yourself look stupid. The problem is, confidence isn’t constant. It comes...
by Shulagh Jacobs | Apr 23, 2017 | Social Salsa Dancing, Uncategorized
Back in my early days of dancing Salsa, one of my first moments of real, sublime dance floor connection was to this tune… To this day it’s still one of my favourites: I’ll never forget that dance… It was the first time I felt truly in synch...
by Shulagh Jacobs | Jul 12, 2015 | Men's Salsa, Social Salsa Dancing, Uncategorized
There’s one question that I always get asked by guys after class, or during social dancing. And it’s one I often can’t answer. That’s because it’s the wrong question. They ask me: “How do I get into X...