Do you feel like you have put your life on hold because of the Covid crisis? That you have to wait until things “get back to normal” before you start really living your life to the full again?
You’re not alone!
For the Salsa dancing community this has meant closing down all the clubs and taking an enforced break from the main activity that makes us feel sane, alive, and fully human.
This is having a profound negative effect on many Salsa dancers, as it is something we consider essential for our mental and emotional health.
For many of us it was the backbone of our social lives.
The Salsa dance floor was our home – the place where we could shrug off the stresses of the day and escape from the more mundane aspects of our lives.
In the words of a good friend of mine “I thought social dancing would always be there”.
But you don’t have to punish yourself and wait until the country has all its covid ducks in a row.
In fact, the best thing you can do for yourself is to take control of your mental, physical and emotional health by making sure you are pumping out those feel-good endorphins and happy hormones.
And you can start right now.
Take The Time You Need To Learn Correctly
Most beginners have high expectations and pile enormous pressure on themselves to get “good” quickly.
This does two things:
It destroys their enjoyment of the PROCESS of learning.
It makes them rush through the most important early stages, and fail to gain important aspects of technique which will make everything look, feel and work better, as well as making more advanced moves and complex partnerwork much easier.
This is usually because they are in such a hurry to get onto the dance floor, and when those first few dance floor experiences are not great, it destroys their confidence in their own ability to learn and improve.
By starting now, you can learn everything you need to get to a level where you will feel at home with all the fundamental steps and techniques ready for when the clubs reopen.
Every Day Without Dancing Is a Day Wasted
We don’t know exactly when Salsa clubs will be able to reopen. But what I would say is that every day without dancing is a day wasted. Practically every dancer I know who started in their adult years has said “I wish I started earlier”.
What they mean is that had they realised how complex and challenging the dance is, how long it can take to reach a level where you feel confident enough to dance in public, and how much joy they would get from being a competent Salsa dancer, they wouldn’t have put it off for so long.
They would have brought it into their lives much sooner, and not made all the excuses about the time not being right, or not having a partner. Or having two left feet and not enough hours in the day.
We are now living in a time where anxiety and stress about the future has never been higher, and self care should be top of our list of priorities. Dancing is an amazing stress-buster which will give you mental and emotional resilience and an escape from all the fear-mongering and complicated changes to our lives.
Now is the perfect time to start!
No Partner, No Problem
One of the main reasons people struggle with Salsa dancing is because they start dancing with a partner too soon – before they can even manage to control their own movement, timing and weight transfer.
Those who spend time working on their own movement technique and dancing skills become MUCH better dancers in the long run, and can actually dance solo with confidence, unlike those who have only done classes to learn partner routines.
My teaching has always been centred around this idea, meaning that during this current situation where we are discouraged from close contact with those outside our own households, you can purchase my courses with confidence, knowing that there will be plenty for you to learn and practice on your own.
Days Until Launch
For More Experienced Dancers Who Want to Improve
You don’t get to be an “advanced dancer” by learning tons of “advanced moves” or shines or combinations.
You get to that level by learning to do the basic stuff better – with more control, precision, style, musicality and attention to detail.
One of the most powerful things you can do for your dancing is to go back to the fundamentals…the thing that most WON’T do, because they see it as boring, irrelevant, or don’t understand what is actually necessary.
Most people don’t because they don’t have time – they prefer to be actually on the dance floor.
Many teachers will teach you how to dance like them – very few teach how to find or create yourself as a dancer.
So why not use this time to do the work that will take you to the next level and beyond?
My video library is not designed to give you loads of “done-for-you” routines and combos to copy (although there is some of that). I’ve included lots of technique drills and exercises which will improve your body control and spatial awareness, along with a deeper appreciation of how YOU can use the building blocks of the dance to create your own material.