Can You Really Learn Salsa In A Day?
I’m going to level with you right now. Salsa is a fast complex dance which requires a great deal of time and practice to reach even a modest level of competence.
It’s limitless, which is why it’s so addictive. All the best Salsa dancers will tell you they never stop learning.
But people like these catchy titles which make huge promises. And that’s often what it takes to get people like you to click for more information.
Because we all want short cuts.
We all want the hacks that make learning simpler, faster and easier.
We want all of the results without doing all of the work.
Whilst I can definitely make your Salsa introduction smoother, less stressful, and MUCH faster than the folks who go to a club based Salsa class week after week,
The REAL truth is this:
You Can’t Really Learn ANY Dance In One Day
However it’s perfectly possible to learn enough in a day to achieve the following:
- To give you a fantastic introduction and starting point.
- To learn and practice enough of the basic steps and turns so at the end of the day you can dance a very simple freestyle dance.
- To hopefully inspire you enough so you are excited to continue your Salsa learning journey.
- To bust all the false beliefs you may have about having 2 left feet or no rhythm.
And then you’ll be able to join me, my other amazing students and the millions of Salsa dancers worldwide who dance Salsa to keep themselves fit, happy, and healthy.
No Time For Salsa?
I sincerely believe that my Sofa to Salsa Beginner Course is the gold standard for those new to Salsa – It’s a fully comprehensive, 8 week introduction to Salsa dancing which ticks all the boxes for many people.
However I fully understand that an eight week course on weekday evenings may not work for everyone’s schedule.
And maybe you don’t want to take 8 weeks to learn the essential steps.
Maybe, like me, you’re the type of person who likes to jump in with both feet and learn as much as you can in a short space of time.
And maybe a weekend suits you better than the evening.
All these are reasons why you might find my intensive one day workshop a better fit.
What You’ll Learn
Here is a breakdown of what I teach in this workshop:
- Salsa Basic Steps
- Salsa Rhythm and Timing for beginners
- Structure of Cross Body Salsa
- Essential connection techniques
- The lead and follow relationship
- Simple Salsa turns
What You’ll Get
- Four Hour Salsa Intro Workshop
- Access to my Online Learning Platform
- Salsa Music Beginner Playlist
- Beginner moves PDF checklist
- Access to my private Facebook and WhatsApp groups exclusively for students with even more resources.
Who It’s For
This workshop is for complete, absolute, never-danced-a-step-before beginners.
It’s also for those who have maybe taken a few classes elsewhere but want to go deeper and take a more intensive approach.
If you are coming back to Salsa after a break, this workshop will be perfect to knock off the rust and get you back in the game.
It’s for individuals and couples who want a thorough and comprehensive introduction to Salsa.
It will especially suit those who prefer learning in a smaller group with lots of individual help and feedback.
Hi I’m Shulagh!
And I absolutely love teaching beginners.
I love giving them the absolute best start on their Salsa journey, so they can have the smoothest and quickest route to enjoying themselves on the social dance floor.
But not all beginner Salsa teachers are created equal – it’s well known that many Salsa clubs put their most junior teacher in charge of teaching beginners.
And then they wonder why the beginners don’t progress or just leave.
You Deserve The Best!
I have been dancing Salsa for well over 20 years and developing my teaching syllabus and methodology since 2014.
And I believe EVERY beginner deserves the benefit of the most highly skilled, experienced, committed teacher they can get.
Teaching Salsa IS my full time profession, which means I have 1000s of hours of experience under my belt.
This is why I don’t bring in my mates or other teachers to teach my classes.
I want to deliver the same highest quality experience across ALL levels of my syllabus and for every single dancer.
The beginner class is where all your foundations are laid so it’s vital that you have input from someone who really knows what they are doing.
“I loved this salsa session. It was so much fun. Shulagh Jacobs is an amazing teacher!”
Dates & Booking Info
Next Workshop Starts In
Upcoming Workshops
DATE: Sunday 3rd December
TIME: 10am-2pm
VENUE: Salsa Intoxica Dance School, Merrymeade House, Brentwood CM15 9FE
How To Book
The Learn Salsa in a Day workshop will give you a great introduction to Salsa and includes some awesome supporting resources to help you even after the workshop has finished.
This includes:
- Online video tutorials
- Beginner music lists
- Private Facebook Group
- Support for your Salsa journey after the workshop
The price of the workshop is £60
Just use the PayPal link below to reserve your place:
Do I need a partner?
No! You can attend alone as we rotate partners regularly. I aim to balance the numbers of men and women so no one is left standing around.
What happens about lunch?
We will take 2-3 short refreshment breaks throughout the workshop. It is recommended that you have a good breakfast beforehand.
This is because we won’t be stopping for a long lunch break to ensure you get maximum learning time and value from the day.
You are welcome to bring snacks to graze on to keep energy and concentration levels high.
Tea, coffee and water are available – it is recommended you bring your own refillable water bottle.
What is the difference between this workshop and typical weekly Salsa clubs?
Most weekly Salsa beginner club based classes repeat the same material every lesson as they allow new people to join every week.
This means it is likely those new beginners will be starting their very first class alongside those who have been there for 3-4 weeks and are champing at the bit to press ahead.
It is not unusual for ladies to vastly outnumber the men which means that someone will be standing out most of the time and proportionally the women will get far less practice than the men, even though they have paid the same class fee.
My workshop is carefully designed to create a logical learning pathway where each step builds on the previous one. You will learn more material and progress faster as the group will move through the content together.
To ensure everyone has the same opportunity to learn, I aim to balance the numbers of men and women.
How many people on the workshop?
There are only 10 places on this workshop. Places are limited so everyone can see and hear me properly. A smaller number of participants enables me to give individual attention and feedback, get to know everyone and make it a more personal experience.
What options are there after the workshop?
If you enjoy the workshop and want to learn more, there is a follow-on workshop – Learn Salsa in a Day Part 2.
Alternatively my 8 week Sofa to Salsa Beginner Course is a slower paced, deeper dive into the fundamentals of Salsa.
Learn Salsa In A Day Part II
More moves, more learning, more fun!This is the follow-on workshop which will fast track you through the rest of the material covered on my Sofa to Salsa Course.
It is just as intensive, with even more content packed into the 4 hours to give you the next logical steps in your Salsa journey.
It’s ideal for those who have completed the Part One workshop.
It will also suit those who have done a few beginner classes elsewhere and want to make a significant jump forward and gain deeper understanding of Salsa fundamentals.
After a quick recap of what we covered in the first workshop, we will continue from where we left off.
As before we will start with a warm up followed by individual footwork and movement technique.
We will look at some simple variations for the Right Turn, Cross Body Lead and introduce some additional moves.
Time Until Next Workshop
Next Part Two Workshop
DATE: Sunday 10th December
TIME: 10am-2pm
PRICE: £60 per person
VENUE: Merrymeade House, Brentwood
How to Book
Choose from the three options below. Book both workshops together and save £10!
Book Part One
For absolute beginners with no experience.
Book Part Two
For those who have done Part One or a few classes elsewhere.
Book Part One & Two
Save money by booking both workshops together for £110
Workshop Location
Where Is The Workshop Held?
Both workshops will be in my private studio just a couple of minutes from Brentwood High Street.
The address is:
Salsa Intoxica Dance School
Merrymeade House
Merrymeade Chase
Brentwood CM15 9FE