It’s been a harrowing couple of months for most of us.
The unfortunate situation is that no social Salsa dancing or live Salsa classes have taken place since the end of March. Unless you actually live with someone who dances, then you won’t have danced with a partner for nearly three months.
We need to touch, to connect, to share experiences with like-minded people. This is what makes us human.
We have to get back to living our lives. Mental health has a direct effect on physical health and immunity.
Social distancing is NOT NORMAL. Masks are NOT NORMAL.
Let’s not for one moment believe that these things are, have been, or ever should be normal.
Please let’s not accept this as a “new Salsa normal”.
Because it is ABnormal.
It causes division, disconnect, and I believe it affects our subconscious minds in ways you may not yet be aware of.
Over the last few weeks your mind has been conditioned to believe that close contact with other people is dangerous.
This conditioning will not disappear overnight, and it may take many more months for some people to feel safe enough to dance in a public space. Do you really want a sanitised Salsa scene where we are all masked up and holding each other at arms length?
The harsh reality is that many venues used by Salsa promoters may not survive. Those that do may be much less open to holding Salsa events as they will have to conduct their own risk assessments and will have their own requirements for social distancing. It’s very likely that they will insist on temperature checks on the door, and proof of testing status and vaccination when they get rolled out.
Bar prices will be higher. Venue hire fees will go up, and promoters will have to pass on the cost to dancers.
Many dancers will have lost their jobs or businesses and may not be able to afford to attend as many events.
This isn’t pessimism – it’s a very likely scenario.
We need to get over the fear and start making plans for reviving our Salsa scene soon, or it will never recover.