Imagine a World Where You Could Dance
I mean, REALLY dance.
Not just muddle through a few steps, and then slink back to your drink to:
a) Hide your embarrassment,
b) Pluck up more dutch courage to have another go later, whilst
c) Secretly admiring but hating those with all the moves and – even worse – the audacity to use them.
Imagine it was YOU with the charisma, and the smooth moves, and when you got up to steal the show, you were so in the moment that you never stopped to care about what anyone else was thinking.
Maybe you’ve thought about this before…and then quickly dismissed the idea.
Because…it feels so far out of your comfort zone that it makes your stomach lurch violently and twist itself into a knot.
But if you’ve enjoyed watching others dance, and been inspired or even envious, then I’m here to tell you that it’s not an impossible dream or a ridiculous idea.
Even if that’s what you sincerely believe right now.
You Probably Don’t Think You’re A Dancer
And that’s ok!
(No one really does when they start out).
But maybe you LOVE the idea of being able to dance for a few different reasons:
You’d like to be more confident and charismatic.
You’d love to feel more comfortable with putting yourself “out there” and to be more creative and expressive.
You’d love to feel proud of your body so you didn’t feel the need to hide it, or blame your age for the bits that aren’t looking or feeling quite how you’d like.
You’d love to lose the inhibitions so you can move to music and have fun – without worrying about what anyone else is thinking OR needing half a bottle of vodka first.
“But That’s Just Not Me”, I Hear You Say
I get it!
It wasn’t me either.
And this brings me to a very important point where many people take a wrong turn.
Because they don’t see their own possibilities, and because their own internal identity and beliefs aren’t clearly defined, they crumble under the weight of their own expectations and judgement from those around them.
And in doing so, they feel increasingly inadequate and incompetent.
In trying to be someone else, they lose themselves.
Sometimes, the more successful we are in our main areas of expertise and established in our personal life, the harder it is to break out of these patterns and roles.
This makes it really hard to re-create and re-define ourselves for our own growth and fulfilment.
Don’t Lose Yourself In The Crowd
If you’re reading this, you are probably NOT the type of person likely to rock up to a mainstream Salsa club to dance with a bunch of random sweaty strangers.
And that’s ok as well.
You don’t want to be just another face floundering around at the back of the class feeling like a fish out of water.
That’s how I started – and I HATED it!
And in all likelihood it’s an approach which you’ll hate too, meaning you won’t suffer it for very long.
That’s assuming you even reach the starting blocks.
(The vast majority of people don’t)
It Doesn’t Have To Be That Way
There are faster, easier and much less stressful ways to learn Salsa dancing!
I always knew there were people – like me and like you – who wanted a personalised and professional experience with a standard of depth, detail and delivery which couldn’t be found in mainstream dance classes.
This is what I’ve created:
A less-travelled route which will take you to your dance goals with less stress, more enjoyment and a much higher return for your investment of time, effort and money.
This is my “Find Yourself” Signature Salsa System.
I’ve created three unique programmes around this system.
These programmes deliver what I call “Dance Transformations by Design”.
NOTHING is left to chance and the results extend way beyond just learning to dance.
What Is a Dance Transformation?
It’s a carefully crafted coaching programme which will help you to reach not only your dance goals, but ALSO enable you to address other challenges as well, PRIMARILY those which get in the way of you feeling certain and purposeful about your dance journey.
For example:
- Bodyshape insecurities
- Confidence and self-belief
- Relationships and social challenges
- Short term gratification hijacking long term goals
If you’ve read that list and thought to yourself, “Wait…these are the same things which have been holding me back in other areas of life too”, it’s probably no coincidence.
Those same programmes, patterns and default behaviours reach like tentacles, wrapping around our innermost dreams and desires and strangling them.
In other words, the challenges we have to navigate in dance can exactly mirror the challenges we face in our everyday lives.
Life Is a Dance and Dance is Life
The truth is that learning to dance can be an extremely powerful agent for change – but only when people get out of their own way for long enough.
In other words, you need to remove the internal roadblocks which are stopping you.
Here’s why this is so important:
Because they usually manifest as EXTREME self doubt, a horribly judgemental inner critic, and/or what many people term “self-sabotage”.
And this is dangerous because it stops you from even getting started, let alone seeing your own potential.
If you often seek refuge in habits, behaviours and addictions which are diametrically opposed to the things you say you actually want, chances are this is ALREADY a problem for you.
Yep…The Biggest Challenge Is Between The Ears
Not the feet, as most people believe!
The fear of messing up, looking stupid or failing, and the fear of what others might think or say is a powerful inhibitor, in dance AND in life.
It deprives us of the freedom to express ourselves, to be fully present in the moment, and to connect fully and authentically with others.
It keeps us imprisoned, playing out roles which others define, and missing out on experiences which would make life more fun and fulfilling.
And so we feel stuck believing that we are not good enough, cool enough, attractive enough, extrovert enough to be able to fulfill our innermost dreams and desires.
So MY programmes start off by helping you become the person who DOES do those things.
To help you see your potential, feel comfortable in your own skin, and be ready to experience life on a whole new level.
How Can A Dance Programme Fix All That?
I’m glad you asked!
Sounds like a grossly over-inflated claim, I bet.
But here’s why I can boldly make it:
My coaching programmes have extra tools and ingredients beyond just steps and moves. These set them apart from typical mainstream dance classes and private lessons and are the “secret sauce” which facilitate dramatic, long term results.
These special tools are drawn from my extensive experience in the fitness/rehab sector, neuroscience and behaviour change in order to help each client work through their particular sticking points – physical, mental, or emotional.
This means that my programmes work on a much deeper level.
There is a lot more to them than making you slavishly copy me through mind-bending, foot-frazzling chronological sequences of dance moves.
They are built to create a logical and seamless learning curve where everything is a natural progression – one where those internal blocks are easily dismantled by following a step-by-step process with a whole-person approach.
Read on to learn more about the structure of my Signature Programmes…
Success Leaves Clues, But Comes at a Cost
It can also leave you feeling stranded and isolated.
The more time, energy and focus you put into being successful, the more you can find your identity is defined by it.
This can make it increasingly difficult to step outside of those boundaries.
It can lead to you waking up and wondering if it’s really been worth it, when you realise that other dreams and desires have been sacrificed and parts of your personality suppressed in order to “play the game” at a high level.
You may feel like something’s just “off” but not be able to put your finger on exactly what.
My Salsa Programme Structure
Philosophy, Principles and ProcessThe F.I.N.D Principles
The key to getting results in anything is structure.
All my signature programmes have an underpinning philosophy which is embodied in eight key principles.
I call them the “F.I.N.D” Principles as they are all about self-discovery and the search for specific feelings, skills and qualities.
And it’s very likely that you feel the LACK of these skills and qualities is holding you back – particularly in your social spheres.
This is when we may find ourselves seeking what we think we lack in other people – and failing to appreciate what WE bring to the table.
F.I.N.D is an acronym and references the essential ingredients which differentiate my programmes from the mainstream and make them inherently powerful.
F – Foundations (Rolling everything back to first principles)
I – Introspection (The inner inquiry required to create the internal shifts which enable true alignment with self)
N – Neuroscientifically Guided (Works in harmony with your brain to reduce stress, optimise learning and creativity, whilst accelerating progression.)
D – Discovery (Experiential learning which promotes autonomy and helps you move from consumption and copying to creation.
Principle 1 - FIND Belief
How far you get with anything hinges on your beliefs. This module is all about changing your relationship with yourself so you can navigate past all the internal sticking points which you keep repeating.
You’ll improve your internal dialogue and learn how to create a sense of calm and grounding, reducing anxiety and improving mental clarity.
Principle 2 - FIND Motion
This module is about preparing your body for the physical demands of dancing. Mobility, flexibility and basic co-ordination skills will be addressed.
We’ll cover some basic Salsa steps and techniques and the key rhythms within Salsa music which give its unique energy and flavour.
Principle 3 - FIND Focus
A plan is only useful if it can survive when it meets with reality. This is where we create a powerful practice habit so you can manage your own dance journey effectively.
You’ll discover how to find the discipline needed to show up for yourself without relying on a “carrot and stick” mindset, instead discovering the internal drivers which push you to raise your own game.
Principle 4 - FIND Skill
Developing solo dance skills is the most underrated part of partner dancing, yet it will enable you to navigate complex Salsa figures with infinitely more speed and flow. Spins, fast footwork, are just a part of the equation – we’ll also work on style and movement quality.
Principle 5 - FIND Harmony
Connection in dance is a deep, deep subject but my systematised approach will break down all the nuances of non-verbal communication so you can lead or follow with sensitivity and assurance.
Connection occurs in every level of our being – spatial, physical, mental, emotional and energetic and you’ll learn how to use all of these to your advantage in dance and in life.
Principle 6 - FIND Flow
Salsa is an improvised dance and learning to improvise in real time is a key skill. Through a series of fun exercises you’ll learn how to access the flow state which enables you to use the moves and combinations you already know to make new material on the fly.
Principle 7 - FIND Charisma
This is where we work on honing your Salsa Superpowers, working with your aesthetic tastes and creative preferences to develop a style that’s coherent and uniquely yours.
It’s not about copying the cool things you see others do – it’s finding your own brand of cool and being confident about showing up with it.
You will also discover how to express your personality through clothes and accessories, using colours, textures, shapes and accessories to create a cohesive personal style which works with your natural colouring and lifestyle.
Charisma is MUCH more than just knowing how to act or what to say – it’s feeling grounded within your core identity but also being able to engage with what’s happening around you in a way that feels natural, effortless and authentic.
Principle 8 - FIND Freedom
The final stage of the programme but the beginning of your onward dance journey! Here we will pull everything together, look back at how far you’ve come and look forward to a future where you have freedom of the dance floor, and freedom to express yourself fully in real life too.
The Three Pillars of My Coaching Process
Introspective Exercises
These written tasks are embedded into the programmes for many important reasons – more than can be listed here, but these are the primary benefits:
- Deeper self-knowledge
- Addressing unhelpful and limiting beliefs
- Establishing and aligning to core values
- Revealing patterns of behaviour which are holding you back
Whilst not intellectually difficult, these exercises can be personally challenging but will enable you to unravel many of the unhelpful habits and behaviours which are keeping you from the results you seek.
Studio Based 1:1 Coaching
In-person coaching will usually take place in my Essex based studio.
Some programmes include residential retreats and weekend intensives which may offer a choice of locations.
For certain modules remote coaching via Zoom may be more convenient or appropriate.
Purposeful Home Practice
My programmes include detailed video tutorials and guided practice sessions which enable you to remain autonomous throughout our coaching relationship.
It’s important to note that whilst I will give you all the materials and support you will need, and facilitate the experience, YOU are responsible for your journey.
Many of your biggest lightbulb moments will actually happen during solo practice.
Those who develop a powerful practice habit will always outperform those who don’t.
The Coaching Experience
Finding YOUR Inner Rhythm
In modern industries, people are paid huge sums of money to figure out how to make processes and product manufacture simpler and faster – and easier for the consumer to get results with.
This can involve completely re-thinking an entire concept, and this is what I’ve been doing with my Salsa teaching for the past ten years.
One of my big realisations was that most classes promoted a consumption mindset, resulting in dancers who were only able to copy – not create.
They could copy ANYTHING in class – but fell apart on the dance floor where it really mattered.
Worse, it was taking intolerable amounts of time to gain even a modest level of competence.
Starting Strong
The first 20 hours are THE most crucial when it comes to learning any new skill as this is when the largest and quickest gains can be made.
This is why all my programmes start slow – which may sound like the OPPOSITE to starting strong – but is all about building strong foundations rather than blasting into the stratosphere only to find you forgot to double check the fuel level.
My programmes break the boundaries created by typical mainstream dance class formats with innovative approaches designed for driven, determined and self-motivated indivuals.
Seamless Learning Curve
My Three Signature Programmes
Start YOUR Dance!
Find Yourself…In SALSA
12 Month Full Immersion
This programme was created to help the introverted, inhibited and socially awkward or anxious swap their fears, doubts and insecurities for a life of freedom, connection and joy by learning to dance Salsa.
It’s a year-long, life-changing dance journey which will cover not just the physical dance skills, but the more intangible aspects of connection, creativity and charisma which set the best dancers apart.
Once a month we’ll meet for an intensive 1 day studio session and full support is included in the form of ad hoc remote sessions.
A seven day 1:1 fully-immersive luxury residential retreat is also included in this package.
Investment £20K
Find Yourself…In HARMONY
6 Month Deep-Dive
I created this dance package to help individuals and couples experience deeper connection – to themselves and to others.
It’s a mind-blowing exploration of the highly nuanced non-verbal dance language we use to communicate with our dance partner which will also transform the way you relate to others in the real world.
Although the focus is on connection, my other principles are interwoven to ensure you experience the full potential of the programme.
You’ll get a 3 day intensive retreat and 3 x half day sessions with me in the studio, as well as a high level of support to navigate the online content.
Investment £7.5K
Find Yourself…In RHYTHM
12 Week Remote
The perfect way to experience the power of my principles and practices for individuals who aren’t able to visit my studio in person.
This is a remotely supported transformational journey which contains all the elements from the full immersion in-person programme.
The main focus is
Investment £3.5K
Who Are My Signature Programmes For?
My Signature Programmes are NOT for everyone.
You’ll probably be a good fit if the following apply:
- You’re introverted, socially anxious or lack confidence
- You consider yourself a bit of a geek or over-thinker
- You’d love to be able to dance well but the thought of taking group classes terrifies you
- You have ownership over your schedule and some free time available
- You’re high achieving with perfectionist tendencies
- You’re determined with the things which matter most to you
- You appreciate creativity, artistry and a more cerebral approach
- You believe dance will bring more joy and happiness into your life
Who Are My Programmes NOT For?
You’re extroverted and function best in large groups