Find Yourself...

Finally feeling comfortable in your own skin.

Knowing you belong.

Owning the space you are standing in with presence and poise.

Realising that you don’t need approval or validation from others.

Experiencing true connection whilst living life on your terms.

Life is a Dance and Dance is Life

Do you ever find that life feels too heavy and serious?

Do you feel that you’ve unwittingly painted yourself into a corner with others’ expectations of how you think and act?

Do you feel that in striving for success, you’ve missed the boat on fun and connection…or you’re not wired for it in the same way as other people?

Do you worry that you’re seen as too intense, boring or uncompromising?

Have you ever wished you were someone else because navigating life – and other people – just appears easier for them?

Would you love to experience life differently – and rewrite the terms of engagement with others?


Here’s How I Did It

My 30 day email series will explain how I – a highly introverted, socially anxious, slightly overweight middle aged divorcee – became a vibrant, confident Salsa dancer.

In doing so, I found the REAL me – and learned the real meaning of self-acceptance.

I also found answers to the following questions which had eluded me for most of my life:

  • How to build real confidence
  • How to connect authentically with others without being over-compromising or conformist
  • A recipe for natural, organic, unforced chemistry
  • How to be charismatic without being fake, too full-on, or in-your-face.


Find Your Way…

Back to the real you…by tuning into your inner rhythm, following your body’s inner wisdom, and training your mind to take you where you actually want to go.


Find Your Feet…

Learn how to be more grounded in your own sense of self, and how to build balance, coordination and dance skills fast. Develop speed, control and lightness of being, cultivating poise and presence.


Find Out Why…

You don’t need the perfect body, an extroverted personality, or unshakeable confidence to be able to show up with charisma on or off the dance floor.

And why changing your relationship with yourself is key to changing your relationship with the world…and why learning to dance Salsa is – I believe-  the most powerful way to go about this.



Find Yourself Instead Of Following Others Bad Advice

Discover how learning to dance Salsa can hold the key to powerful transformation.

It could be the start of a journey which will enable you to completely change the relationship you have with yourself.

If you’ve fallen out with the idea of fitting in with everyone else just to be accepted.

Or if you feel fed up with the typical advice from confidence coaches and online personalities who preach about what to say and what to do, how to read people and be charismatic, which all sounds really great on YouTube, but can’t help you in real life when you actually NEED them.


Create a New Relationship With Yourself

Maybe you’ve already realised that it’s extremely difficult to ACT differently if you don’t FEEL different.

And feeling different is generally the result of DOING things differently.

It’s a bit chicken and egg – feelings drive behaviour, but then the outcomes of that behaviour often result in feelings which cement crappy beliefs about who we are and what we are capable of.

In order to get different results, you have to disrupt your habitual behaviours. And the only way to do this successfully is to permanently corrupt the programme files in the brain which uploaded them.

You already know that telling yourself to be different doesn’t work…as there always seems to be other forces at play deep in the brain or psyche which easily pull you off track at vulnerable moments.

You don’t need years of therapy – you can free yourself through dance!


This Doesn’t Have To Be Boring Or Hard

Salsa dancing is an incredible way to hack this feedback loop – because it works on many levels of our being all at once.

I believe it connects and integrates the physical, emotional, conscious and subconscious in a way that most coaching approaches miss.

Your body holds the key – it carries past experiences in your posture and movement patterns which will show up at key moments of stress and challenge, and keep you locked into tension, immobility and even pain.

Dance allows us to experience ourselves as we wish to be seen, which in turn changes how other people perceive us.

It enables us to create new neural pathways driven by powerful and dynamic movement which embodies who we are at a core identity level.

Our physiology is deeply affected by rhythmical movement and the patterns in music in ways which it is IMPOSSIBLE to recreate through other means.

We learn how to be spontaneous because we have mastery over our movement – and can be fully present in the moment with poise and grace.



If you have a strong desire to learn to dance but lack the self belief to start

You want to unlock the secrets of true confidence and charisma

You are a introverted person with a tendency for overthinking or social anxiety

Hi I’m Shulagh!

I believe everyone is a natural dancer…and dance is a powerful method of transforming how we feel about ourselves.

But it’s not easy to get past the labels and rules we’ve already placed around ourselves to re-imagine who we can be in the world.

I’ve built my career by teaching  Salsa dancing – helping my clients to find self-acceptance, confidence and renewed zest for life.

I have a very unique methodology…one which doesn’t require you to flounder around in a room full of sweaty strangers.

So if you’ve lost confidence, if you’re struggling with introversion, overthinking or social anxiety, are self conscious about the way you look, or just want the cheat codes to feeling better about yourself in social situations, I’d love to help.